STARWEST 2024 Women Who Test Session - Feeling Lucky, Won't Delete Later | TechWell


Friday, September 27, 2024 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Feeling Lucky, Won't Delete Later

How many of you know someone who just seems to be REALLY lucky? Good things just seem to happen to them over and over again? A few years ago, I noticed this with people in my life and wondered…is there a way to be lucky on purpose? And turns out--it's very possible! Luck is not a singular binary thing, where you are or are not lucky. Instead it’s 5 (or more) different things, many things you can DIY yourself. In this talk you will learn about the many different kinds of luck, how you can do them on purpose and change your life for good, just like I did!

Dona Sarkar

Dona Sakar believes you are one experiment away from being your most powerful self at work. And yes, in life! Currently, at her day job, she's running 100 experiments as the Chief Troublemaker of the Microsoft AI and Copilot Extensibility Program. Her goal is that people all over the world can use Microsoft's AI and Copilot programs to reason over their OWN data and truly make AI useful for their business. Dona's also a keynote speaker (fave audience is corporate leaders like YOU), a multi-published author (it turns out fiction writing is useful in software!), the owner of the ethical luxury fashion brand called Prima Dona Studios, and has recently become a wine bar co-owner and is studying to be a sommelier. A few years ago, she was named one of Fast Company's 100 Most Productive People and Cosmopolitan magazine's Businessperson of the Year for her multi-faceted (aka weird) life. And yes, she is always ready to get on a plane and come see YOU.