STARWEST 2024 Concurrent Session : Effective Ways to Manage Offshore QA Teams


Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Effective Ways to Manage Offshore QA Teams

Were you recently promoted or are aspiring to lead or manage an overseas Quality Assurance team? Have you been asked to build/collaborate with a virtual QA team? Stressed about managing an offshore team with all the challenges and circadian rhythm being affected? Managing virtual teams can be challenging to say the least. No matter what the calling is, if your goal is to meet the company objectives and drive QA teams towards excellence at the same time, this session will guide you through the FSNP (Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing) stages for achieving a successful Quality Assurance Life Cycle (similar to SDLC). Be it Agile/Waterfall, 100% remote or onsite or Hybrid teams, the techniques Sapna will share are universally beneficial. Leaning on her two decades of steady growth and learning in her testing career from being a QA Intern to Sr. QA Manager, she will share the 5 most supporting pillars of strength that will enable you to build, grow, and manage dream QA teams overseas, but can also be applied for local teams of any size. You will learn to convert the challenges into opportunities for better outcomes and achieve greater personal satisfaction as a coach/mentor.

Sapna Manjunath
Randstad USA

A working mom and constantly striving to achieve the best possible work life balance, Sapna Manjunath is a very motivated and energetic professional. As a certified US Mentor for her company, she is always looking for ways to help others. Having worked in the Quality Assurance field for several years, Sapna has managed onsite teams from offshore locations, offshore teams from the US, and co-located US teams at the same time, all for a variety of industries and range of SDLC methodologies. One thing that holds true in all situations is that quality can’t be compromised and no justification is good enough for delivering poor quality. Our industries are paying a heavy price for poorly written/tested code. Hence my passion for QA and helping others.