STARWEST 2024 Concurrent Session : Change: It's All We Have


Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 9:45am to 10:45am

Change: It's All We Have

As philosopher Heraclitus once said, “The only thing that is constant is change.” Which means that when stop fighting change, stop staying stuck in “the way things have always been” and START embracing the power of change—within our mindsets, offices, objectives—we START transforming into the most relevant and resonant versions of ourselves, our teams, and our organizations. As a change-agent both inside technology and WAY OUTSIDE, this interactive (and fun) session is focused on you gaining the clarity, creativity, and confidence necessary to wield the power of change and have impact inside—and WAY OUTSIDE—your work and life. If you need a creative jolt that will carry you through all the seemingly rough patches of creating technology that works, let’s do this!

Tania Katan
HALO Strategies

Tania Katan has been helping innovative leaders and fast-growth brands harness the power of storytelling to transform apathy into alchemy, metrics into movements, and status quo into social change. She is a potent keynote speaker, well-respected innovation coach, and visionary mind behind the globally viral social impact campaign #ItWasNeverADress, a movement that has inspired over 100 million people to see, hear and celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion. Her visionary way of formulating ideas led to the bestselling book, Creative Trespassing: How to Put the Spark and Joy Back into Your Work and Life (Penguin Random House). Some of the organizations that have been impacted by her talks include CiscoLive!, Amazon, Expedia, Talks at Google, University of California Irvine, Business of Software, Uber, HubSpot, and TED Talks. Katan’s transformative work on the future of creativity has appeared in The New York Times, USA Today, HuffPost, Time, BuzzFeed, CNN, Adweek, Mashable, Forbes, ReadWrite and Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls, among others. In her role as Chief Engagement Officer and Founding Member of HALO, she is thrilled to be contributing to a future of work that thrives at the intersection of Creativity, Culture, Technology, Belonging + Impact.