The World's Leading Conference
for Software Testing & Quality
Take Advantage of Super Early Bird Pricing
Join us in Anaheim for STARWEST 2025!
Redefining software testing & quality while forging the path ahead.
Learn how to solve existing testing roadblocks or get inspired to tackle new challenges during this year's hybrid conference featuring 75+ talks—including keynotes, trainings, tutorials, and sessions. Plus—connect with peers through various parties & receptions and visit the Expo Floor to find your next solution provider.
Training + Tutorials
Maximize your in-person learning and stay ahead of emerging trends in the industry by participating in a pre-conference training class. Or, attend a tutorial to dive deeper into topics that matter most to you.
Leadership + Professional Growth
Find solutions to your biggest leadership challenges at our Testing and Quality Leadership Summit or join women test engineers, managers, and CEOs for inspiring talks at Women Who Test.

Women Who Test
Designed for women to network with other women who work in software testing, Women Who Test is a unique way to learn from and be inspired by each other. This program will cover testing topics, support women’s personal and career journeys, and include content to grow your career and brand in the tech industry where women are outnumbered 7:3. Learn More

Leadership Summit
Leadership has never been more important. From setting strategic visions for quality engineering to fostering ethical and responsible practices as AI capabilities become the norm, strong leadership is essential for software quality and testing to be successful. Join in the conversation with your peers as experienced technology leaders share ways to lead and make test organizations successful. Learn More
Anaheim, CA
Stay at the Disneyland® Hotel
There's magic to be found throughout The Happiest Place on Earth! With two amazing Theme Parks, three Resort Hotels and the Downtown Disney® District, the world-famous Disneyland® Resort is where Guests of all ages can discover wonder, joy and excitement.
Explore Anaheim
Enjoy all of the food from healthy snacks to signature dining, and experience the Downtown Disney® District with distinctive eateries, unique shops and exciting entertainment located within easy walking distance at the Disneyland® Resort. Ready to step out of the hotel and see all that Anaheim has to offer? You can visit the parks, explore the downtown area, enjoy some live music, or just relax on the 42 miles of beautiful coastline.
Explore the Venue→

Groups + VIPs
Large or Small. We Love Groups.
Bring Your Team
You can receive a group discount of 10% off for 3+ people and 20% off for 6+ people on both in-person and virtual passes. See? It pays to have friends!
Become a VIP
Take your conference experience to the next level with access to testing experts, networking opportunities with speakers, and planning strategies to make the most of your conference schedule. You'll receive 20% off your conference package, get 2 free Leadership Summit Passes ($1k in savings), 1-hour of free consulting (hundreds in savings), and exclusive networking events with food and drinks.
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