STARWEST 2024 Tutorial: Building Your Own Automation Framework


Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 8:30am to 4:30pm

Building Your Own Automation Framework

Let’s face it, building an automation framework is hard. That’s why there are so many commercial ones available on the market. But what if you wanted to build your own? One that you could customize to suit your needs, as opposed to you having to work within the confines of a tool or other framework. Where do you start? What does it need to have to be successful? Chris Loder will walk you through building your own automation framework based on his successful framework architecture. You will start with a basic test case runner and then build on it by adding new modules, such as UI manipulation, validation, REST testing functionality, and results reporting. When your day is over, you will have your own working automation framework that you can instantly put to work upon your return. That solid foundation will allow you to build upon it and make it your own.

This tutorial requires knowledge of C# as the framework is written in it, however, if you know Java, C# is quite easy to pick up. You will also need a Windows PC with Visual Studio Community edition installed.

Chris Loder

Chris Loder, Senior Manager of Quality Assurance at BluWave-ai, is an automation enthusiast to the core. His passion and experience allow him to help companies reduce regression time and improve overall software quality. With over two decades of automation experience, he designs and implements automation frameworks, helping companies reduce their regression times and improve their overall quality. Chris is a regular speaker at conferences and has delivered tutorials, keynotes and track sessions at software testing and test automation conferences around the world. Chris loves to share his knowledge and experience and talk about all things automation!