STARWEST 2024 Concurrent Session : Generative AI is Transforming Software Testing: What Testers Need to Know


Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Generative AI is Transforming Software Testing: What Testers Need to Know

We have all seen it. The word AI is appearing next to every test tool, and the promises are coming thick and fast. AI seems like the perfect addition to increase the quality of the tests we run, but what if the opposite is true, and it’s the death of quality engineering as we know it? There has been no greater transformation in test quality than test automation in the last decade. We have gone through the horrible years of record and replay automation that never provided the ROI that was promised, and we finally settled on automation engineering, where we treat our automation code with the same rigor as production code. We have struggled to move to in-sprint automation while maintaining this quality of code. But with AI, we might be wasting our time. As AI accelerates the cadence of our delivery, well designed tests get run less and less without changes, significantly reducing the ROI and the need for robust, maintainable, and long-life tests. Instead, we move towards just-in-time tests that only need to execute a few times before being disposed. This session will cover the journey so far, discuss how AI will impact testing, and force us to rethink what we consider a good test and tester to be.

Joel Deutscher

Joel Deutscher is the driving force behind cutting-edge technology and innovation at one of the foremost pure-play testing companies globally. With over two decades of testing industry experience under his belt, Joel is no stranger to the ever-evolving landscape of quality assurance. His passion lies in the realm of continuous improvement, pushing the boundaries to embrace the latest innovations, including the exciting world of AI. Joel is a firm believer in the transformative power of technology, particularly how it shapes the lives of testers, and impacts their craft.

Jarrod Plant

Jarrod Plant is a seasoned professional with 20 years of experience in software testing consulting, providing him with a diverse range of skills and knowledge in various industries, tools, and corporate cultures.  He has a technical background, with experience in both Automation & Performance testing, that is balanced by his experience in customer solutions driving a value-focused delivery. Driven by his passion for the potential of Artificial Intelligence, Jarrod currently serves as the product owner of Planit’s Quality Engineering-centric Generative AI platform. This role provided him with invaluable firsthand experience in building, managing, and testing a generative AI platform.  He believes that we are at the precipice of an evolution in software delivery and testing, brought on by the power and accessibility of AI.