STARWEST 2024 Tutorial: Integrating Automated Testing into DevOps


Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

Integrating Automated Testing into DevOps

In many organizations, agile development processes are driving the pursuit of faster software releases, which has spawned a set of new practices—DevOps. DevOps stresses communications and integration between development and operations, including rapid deployment, continuous integration, and continuous delivery. Because DevOps practices require confidence that changes made to the code base will function as expected, automated testing is essential. Join Jeffery Payne as he discusses the unique challenges associated with integrating automated testing into continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) environments. Learn the internals of how CI/CD works, appropriate tooling, and test integration points. Find out how to integrate your existing test automation frameworks into a fast release, DevOps environment. Take back a roadmap for integrating test automation with continuous integration and delivery.

Jeff Payne

Jeffery Payne is CEO and founder of Coveros, Inc., a company that helps organizations accelerate software delivery using agile methods. Prior to founding Coveros, he was the co-founder of application security company Cigital, where he served as CEO for 16 years.

Jeffery is a recognized software expert and popular keynote speaker at both business and technology conferences on a variety of software quality, security, DevOps, and agile topics. He has testified in front of congress on issues such as digital rights mgmt., software quality, and software research.

Jeffery is the technical editor of the AgileConnection community (