STARWEST 2024 - Business Analyst - Requirements | TechWell

STARWEST 2024 - Business Analyst - Requirements

Customize your STARWEST 2024 experience with sessions covering requirements.

Thursday, September 26

Adam Sandman photo

Multi-Modal GPTs Are Coming For Your Testing! How to Adapt?

Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

As you research the latest in generative AI technology, you will see that the development and availability of multi-modal GPT engines are fundamentally changing the way applications are tested and described. These new GPT models can generate and interpret voice, text, and images seamlessly. For example, you can ask them to navigate an application to accomplish a business task and comment on their actions. This means that we’re for the first time entering the world of AI-assisted/performed exploratory testing. When you couple this with the capabilities of GPT models to identify UI elements...