STARWEST 2024 Concurrent Session : Agile Security Testing Tools


Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 9:45am to 10:45am

Agile Security Testing Tools

The Internet is full of insecure applications that cost organizations time and money while damaging their reputations when their systems are compromised. We need to build secure applications as never before. While security and agility may appear to be natural opposites that don’t mix well, they don’t need to be. Learn how to integrate application security testing into your testing practices. Join Tom in exploring real-world examples of secure application testing practices incorporated into the iterative development used in agile projects. Learn to marry agile testing with application security testing and test automation in a way that best leverages the strengths of them all. This will be an interactive discussion of how to incorporate application security testing practices into software testing practices. Based on the experience of integrating application security and agile on several projects, Tom will talk about what works, what doesn’t work, and what challenges need to be overcome to get the required value out of application security practices while maintaining the integrity and feedback cycles agile practitioners have come to expect. The takeaway materials will include concrete release and sprint milestones that can be directly adopted to start immediately incorporating application security testing.


Tom Stiehm has been developing applications and managing software development teams for over twenty years. As CTO of Coveros, he is responsible for the oversight of all technical projects and integrating new technologies and testing practices into software development projects. Recently, Tom has been focusing on how to incorporate DevSecOps and agile best practices into projects and how to achieve a balance between team productivity and cost while mitigating project risks. One of the best risk mitigation techniques Tom has found is leveraging DevSecOps and agile testing practices into all aspects of projects. Previously, as a managing architect at Digital Focus, Thomas was involved in agile development and found that agile is the only methodology that makes the business reality of constant change central to the process.