STARWEST 2024 Concurrent Session : How I Spend More on Coffee Than DevOps


Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

How I Spend More on Coffee Than DevOps

Jacob Orshalick and solutions are a development shop that provides Continuous Delivery for every client product they build. Even so, with the cloud solutions available today, they just don’t need a DevOps team. Maybe after this session you won’t need one either. Automating your infrastructure—you need an environment where your software product can be deployed for testing. Attendees will learn how to use AWS CloudFormation with AWS Serverless Access Model (SAM) to automate the creation of their deployment environment stack. They will see how they can then make changes to the environment by updating their CloudFormation templates and running those change sets against the stack. Jacob will show how easy it is to spin up a clone environment to test against in just a few minutes! Building and releasing your software—now that you have an environment to deploy to, developers need to get their software deployed there every time they make a change. Those changes can be verified by automated tests prior to and after deployment. Attendees will learn how to create a build pipeline for continuous delivery. Attendees will learn how to use GitHub and BitBucket hooks to define a build pipeline that will build and deploy a specific branch to AWS when code changes are pushed. solutions

Jacob Orshalick is a software consultant, agile practitioner, author, speaker, and the founder of solutions. Jacob has over two decades of experience developing software for startups, Fortune 500 companies, and everything in between. He is the author of a best-selling book and has published articles with numerous industry sources. His passion is sharing his experiences and helping organizations achieve a level of performance they may not have thought was possible. You can find more at: and