STARWEST 2024 - Requirements & User Stories

Thursday, September 26

Richelle Bixler
Edward Jones
Atlas Revolutions, Inc.

Writing Great Objectives

Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

A good objective has five components that effectively communicate a business outcome and why it matters: Activity: What will we be doing? Scope: What are the boundaries of the work we will touch? Beneficiary: Who is the intended recipient of the new work? User Value: Why does this work matter to the new user? Business Value: Why does this work matter to the business? PI Objectives can be daunting but can be made much easier when you add in some key components or a formula: [Activity] + [Scope] so that [Beneficiary] have [User Value] to [Business Value]. In this session, Richelle...